Today's Message from God: Doors Will Open for You | God Message Now - online calculators

Today’s Message from God: Doors Will Open for You | God Message Now

my dear child I’m sending these words to you my beloved child whether you are my daughter or my son you come to talk with

me taking a moment to close your eyes raising your hands in expectation of my

reply don’t lose heart or feel disheartened you’re here day by day

showing your strong beautiful and most importantly impactful Faith that’s why I want to fill your heart with my love

heal any old hurts and make sure you always have this firm belief that I cherish you deeply before we continue our Ascent

into the Realms of Faith let’s Elevate the atmosphere with positivity like this

video to raise the vibrations of divine inspiration and type Amen to Anchor your

faith your engagement propels us to Greater Heights on this spiritual journey my child I wish for you to go to

bed joyful and wake up with Solid Faith that each new day will be even better

than the last Wherever You Are feel my hug my hands on your head

blessing your thoughts and steering your path I’ll bless you with wonderful gifts

and amazing surprises but I need you to stay strong and not get tired of coming to me you

don’t even have to speak just close your eyes and feel the love I’m sending your

way take in these comforting words let this deep emotion fill your heart I want

your happiness and peace I’m ready to end your and your family struggles bringing in a time of abundance I

understand that sometimes when you look at yourself you might feel small or less important compared to those with lots of

material things but remember you have a more significant blessing you truly know

me and you’ve given me your heart you have a unique connection to the

spiritual realm that many might never understand I’m here to talk to you at any time and you’re always ready to

listen I’ll open doors for you that might stay shut for others always leading you toward better choices don’t

be jealous or desire what others have and don’t follow the wrong paths what

might seem appealing can end in ruin hold your head high you don’t need to prove anything to be valued in my eyes

fear not for you are familiar with my teachings my house is always open to you

you’re always welcome here where you’re listen to with care and attention you won’t find such pure and profound love

anywhere else my dear child my love for you is immense I’m holding your blessing

right here ready to solve all your issues come and claim it you know my love for you is real you felt it before

and still feel it deep inside even if you feel far away or if doubts whisper that you failed or that I don’t love you

don’t believe it there’s still a small light burning in your heart and a deep longing to come back to this place that

awaits and misses you don’t don’t hesitate come closer I see the confusion and

uncertainty in your heart you thought you had Faith but when things didn’t go as planned especially with those you

trusted deeply you felt let down you wondered if I was there when you needed me but let me assure you I have always

been watching over you even when you couldn’t see it I provided the answers and help you needed I spoke to you with

kindness but I understand it was hard for you to believe believe that I your almighty God would speak directly to you

turn to me now and know that you are dearly loved this place right here is your home your Refuge here you can feel

safe find peace and rest deeply allowing me to guide you into something

extraordinary tonight I will visit you in a dream you’ll find yourself standing

by a river with Crystal Clear Water gazing into my eyes as you walk Barefoot over this

miraculous water it will cleanse you of all your Sorrows angers and

frustrations when you wake up tomorrow you’ll feel renewed infused with new

Strength this transformation is a gift for those who choose to believe again

who recognize their faults and ReDiscover their faith you don’t need to search Elsewhere for comforting words I

am right here with you my words are life and goodness embrace them let them fill

your heart and you’ll be filled with my Holy Spirit I am your sustenance and your blessing the genuine answer your

heart seeks declare your belief in me say it out loud think it write it down

with all your faith I am the real light coming today to brighten your life to

chase away all Darkness from your heart your home your family it’s vital for you

to seek me daily to embrace my love and will and to humbly accept my words you

are hearing my words receive them into your soul treasure them do not forget

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