God Says: Stop Worrying My Child, I AM Your GOD | God message for you today | God's Message 365 - online calculators

God Says: Stop Worrying My Child, I AM Your GOD | God message for you today | God’s Message 365

my beloved child let go now of those worries that haunt you the anxieties

that weigh heavily on your heart you sacrifice peace when you

constantly churn them in your thoughts burdening yourself with worry as you contemplate the

future instead of enduring those restless nights hand over your concerns

to me and allow yourself the peace to sleep soundly release now everything that

holds you back and have faith my purpose is to instill peace in

your existence recognize the value you possess in my sight you are not an

accident but a being with a unique and important purpose in this vast

Universe your potential is immense and when you fully embrace it you will

Ascend and become a source of blessings for many this is precisely why distractions

stand at your doorstep eagerly W to enter should you let them in they

swiftly take over your thoughts drumming up a cacophony of noise stress and confusion within you I assure you this

is the truth it holds regardless of your Origins your family background the

shadows of your past or the depths of pain you’ve

experienced you’ve entrusted your life to me and now above all I wipe away your

past heal your wounds clear your vision and unveil a future filled with

blessings I will grow your wisdom boost your intelligence and give you both courage and caution you’ll learn to

control your words I’ll ease your worries and teach you patience the transformation has already

begun preparing you to take the first step and walk joyfully towards the

promise of a new life leave behind the path and the dreams that have drifted

away now focus on a fresh path leading to Divine blessings I talk about a future rich

with prosperity and Holiness but you drown out my words with your worries

lying awake at night listen closely now this isn’t a game having faith and

trusting in me isn’t about pretending to be all right while suffering

inside I don’t want you leading a double life where outwardly you appear happy

blessing others but inside when you’re alone fear overtakes you haunted by past

spiritual battles that knocked you down you smile and shed tears at the

same time but hear me closely don’t ignore the guidance I’m sharing with

you once more understand that Faith isn’t about a Flawless existence or evading challenges it’s about clinging

to my promises even when times get get tough knowing you’re capable of facing

any challenge aware of who’s by your side stand resilient in the midst of

turmoil confidently bringing your worries to me admitting when you’re

overwhelmed seeking the Vigor to press on embracing faith means you’ve handed

your life over to me waiting with Assurance for the blessings I’ve assured secure in the knowledge that you and

your loved ones are safeguarded by by my might no matter where you find yourselves my presence envelops you my

forces Champion your cause shielding you from unseen perils faith is about

getting up dusting yourself off and advancing pursuing the dreams and goals

I’ve set before you in spite of your frailties your missteps and your history

therefore I implore you listen to these words once more I want you to remember

them well and etch them into your heart by Nightfall may you sleep peacefully

and without concern I want you to read aloud Psalm again and again pronounce

it letter by letter word by word feel how as you say the Lord is my shepherd

your entire being envelops in Divine peace and your heart grows

calm now close your eyes and Express gratitude for your life for your family

be thankful for the love I extend to you today I’m speaking directly to you

urging you entrust your life to me your struggles your heavy

loads I no longer wish for you to be bound by those deceitful feelings that sap your spirit don’t be Shackled by

anxiety learn to rely on this heavenly father who holds you dear and always wants the best for

you do you trust me please let me know as you do feel my love enveloping you

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